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  2. GAMMA AR in the office

Managing issues in GAMMA BIM PORTAL

Issues in GAMMA AR

Too see all collected issues in the GAMMA BIM PORTAL, choose on the left panel Issues (1).

Issues in GAMMA AR have the following fields:

ID, External ID, Title, Revision Status, Object Name, Category, Attachments (Photos), Storey, Room, Description, Due Date, Assigned to.

Issues can also be exported into CSV, PDF, and BCF


Users can attach multiple photos to an issue. You can display them by clicking on the photo (2).

Setting due dates and assigning issues to users

You can update due dates and assignees for issues.



IDs, External IDs, Titles, Object Names, and Categories cannot be changed.

It is not possible to remove Issues, once they are in the system. The only possibility is to VOID them.

Clicking on the ID of an issue in GAMMA BIM PORTAL, will open the change log of that issue.

Clicking on an external ID will open the issue on the connected platform.