1. Knowledge
  2. GAMMA AR on the Job Site

Creating issues

Issues in GAMMA AR

Issues collected using GAMMA AR are object-based and therefore can be traced back to the building components in the BIM Model.

This gives GAMMA AR issues an edge over issues in 2D plans, due to GAMMA AR’s unambiguousness.

This facilitates the communication processes with the designers and allows for quick design updates and better decisions.


Creating an issue quickly

Click on the Camera button to create an issue on the object behind the cursor. This  issue will automatically have 2 images. One from the 3D model and one from the construction site.


The issue form

When creating an issue, the user has to enter a title and can add additional information, such as a description, revision status, due dates, Assignees, and location data such as storey or room. A floorplan is automatically added to the issue.


Creating an issue by selection

You can also create issues by selecting an  object (1 long click) and clicking the issue  +  icon (2)     in the appearing menu