Dealing with drift
Drift or inaccurate placement are typical problems that users experience on-site visits. To manually adjust the position, tap on the icon with the 4 arrows (1) on the right side of the screen.
Manually moving the Model on floor (2)
Point the cursor to a vertical object like a wall to use It as a reference for manually adjusting the position. GAMMA will present you with movement possibilities along object XY axis (3). You can grab the axis and drag the model in a direction or drag and pull the round white movement icon with 4 arrows (4) which will allow adjustments along the plane of the floor. Rotational adjustments can be done by simply swiping along the blue bar (5) at the bottom of the screen.
Moving along global XYZ coordinates
In case the axis are not displayed, it is possible to move the model along the global x and y directions (6). The gizmo (7) on the top displays the directions of the global axis as a visual guide for the movement. Use the blue bar on the left to adjust the models’ height by swiping up/or down. (8)
When there is a bigger rotational adjustment to do additionally to the offset, it is faster to simply use the normal repositioning method.