GAMMA AR supports a variety of model structures, though there are best practices we suggest models follow to provide the best user experience for users on the construction sites
1.Ensuring easy Positioning:
1.Setup floors so that there is one building storey definition per ”real” floor.
2.Define the positioning model for users. This model should contain levels and positioning elements such as walls, columns, and rooms.
In most cases, the positioning model is the architectural model or the structural model.
In case additional categories other than walls, columns, or rooms should be used for positioning, activate them in the apps or project’s settings menu.
In most cases, the positioning model is the architectural model or the structural model.
In case additional categories other than walls, columns, or rooms should be used for positioning, activate them in the apps or project’s settings menu.
2.File Types
GAMMA supports IFC, Navisworks NWD/NWC and REVIT RVT file formats to be uploaded directly via the GAMMA BIM PORTAL or through ACC/BIM360. There are advantages and disadvantages:
GAMMA supports IFC, Navisworks NWD/NWC and REVIT RVT file formats to be uploaded directly via the GAMMA BIM PORTAL or through ACC/BIM360. There are advantages and disadvantages:
1.IFC files are recommended when using an Open BIM workflow. IFCs can be combined directly with BCFs and thus incorporated into the planning change process.
2.NWC/NWD can speed up the model setup process for specific tasks on sites and if exists should be used. Floor definitions in Navisworks files are derived from the reference level parameters of slabs.
3.RVT models are easy to use if there aren't too many different models to combine and file naming is easy enough for site managers. In general, the workflow is efficient and easy for planners to handle. In the same way, it is better for designers if Revit models are used since information from GAMMA AR can be imported into the BIM models.
3.Setting up Views
1.GAMMA AR can only import published views from Revit through BIM360/ACC. This applies to cloud models, but also to models that have simply been uploaded to the document management system manually.
2.Depending on the model structure, it can be advantageous to organize the views thematically (e.g. by trade) and thus enable the construction staff to easily carry out their specific tasks. This helps to reduce information overload.
3.Ensure all model links and object categories are visible to ensure the provision of information needed on site for the construction staff to perform their task.
4.Object categories not relevant for construction (e.g. furniture) should be hidden ensure best hardware performance.